About Us

Clarion Call Shoppe is our way of sharing our love for Jesus by proudly proclaiming Him! Thank you for shopping with us, we declare the Shalom of God over you right now, in the mighty name of Jesus! Shalom, in the Hebrew, means 'Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken' -- by choosing Jesus, we invite the Shalom of God into our lives. What a way to live, nothing missing, nothing broken! Thank you, Jesus!



What we believe...


We believe the Bible is the infallible and inerrant Word of God. The Creator of this planet and all life on it, also created for us the ultimate handbook for life, our source for truth, wisdom, Su tribe and instruction: the holy Scriptures, commonly referred to as our holy Bible. This supernatural book is exactly what it says it is: divinely inspired by the Lord, recorded by scribes and writers of His choosing. Many people ask, why would a holy God use imperfect people to write His Word? In a fallen world, imperfect people are the only choice at this time, and the Lord still uses many imperfect people to bring forth His will today, just as He did when writing the Bible.


The magnificent Creator manifests Himself in three distinct persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Lamb of the world who was sent to redeem humanity from the curse of sin, opening the way for us to be reconciled unto the Father. Jesus was crucified, buried, He resurrected, ascended to heaven, and currently awaiting the soon coming time when He will return to earth once again.


Jesus saves. Jesus Christ is a literal life-saver, snatching souls from the eternal flames of hell. Any person who desires to be saved, can receive salvation through Christ Jesus; this involves being made brand new in the fullest sense: we are transformed by the renewing of our mind and born again into a new life. This precious gift is available freely to all who believe on and follow Jesus Christ. No other can save but Jesus.


The Word of God shows us that water baptism is a symbol of the believer’s death to the power and bondage of sin… if they are immersed in baptismal waters and come up out of that water, this is symbolic of death to the old self… and resurrection to a new life in Jesus Christ.


We honor and remember the precious sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, how He gave Himself on Calvary’s Cross for us… by taking Holy Communion. The wine (grape juice) symbolizes Jesus’ Blood that was shed for us, and the bread, when broken and partaken of, symbolizes His precious body that was broken for us. We take Holy Communion in remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice, but also in celebration of His resurrection, which reminds us of our own resurrection to a new life in Him!


We believe in the sovereign rule, reign and authority of God in the life of believers. We seek first the Kingdom of God. We believe that the Kingdom of God is within us and is manifested on earth as we faithfully obey Christ and His teachings.